Friday, February 24, 2006
Things have calmed down a lot. I got my books for Spring Quarter. I have three classes. Classes start on Wednesday, so we get a break until then, Yay. I haven't blogged in a long time because I've just been upset and confused, and I have no idea whether he checks this, so it limits what I feel comfortable saying on here. I will figure out how to get used to that. Until then, I will plow on, and keep blogging. I'm not upset anymore, yet still confused about things.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006
I'm beating him to the punch

I know he had evil plans for this picture...he had to have had them otherwise he wouldn't have it. So here it is. An embarrassing picture of me. Eric is just laughing with glee right now. Well, the story is that I was sleeping on his couch, in just my bra and panties, because I can't sleep in jeans, and I didn't want my shirt to wrinkle, and he drew on my face with permanent marker while I was sleeping and took a picture of it after I woke up and found out about it because he was mad. Not in good fun, but because he was mad. It shows how heartless he is, because I was crying in that picture. Nice, huh?

Sunday, February 19, 2006
check out the new link
Sometimes Sober Sarah
Sarah, whom I graduated with, finally got a blogspot account!
her link is on my sidebar too.
Sarah, whom I graduated with, finally got a blogspot account!
her link is on my sidebar too.

This is fucking harrassment
Eric told me he never wanted to see me again. That's fine with me. But now he is sending text messages to my roommates, and calling Denise....NOW he is leaving derroggatory comments on my blog site....I swear that's got to be harrassment in some form or another. AT LEAST I WOULD HAVE THE BALLS TO LEAVE MY FUCKING NAME IF I WANTED TO BE AS LOW AS YOU ARE. I SLEPT WITH YOU ENOUGH TIMES THAT I COULD HAVE SWORE THAT YOU HAD BALLS BUT I GUESS THEY JUST GOT SWALLOWED UP IN YOUR NEW WHORE'S HUMONGOUS TWAT!!! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!! I KNOW YOU READ THIS MOTHERFUCKER NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Post, Tink, Bousch!
I have come to the conclusion that Ashley, Tosha and I are all dorks. The biggest kind of dorks there are. Tosha's computer is so old, that it makes horrible sounds when it is just trying to load a webpage. So if you were in my apartment, you would hear me say--every once in a while--things like: "Comon...we both know you can make it through it...comon you can do it..." So, the way I explained my feelings for Tosha's computer to my roommates was: "When I post a bulletin on Myspace, it makes a little noise, and then it acts like it's going to's like 'Post, Tink, Bousch!!!!' " Now, the origin of the last two words, were Tosha and Ashley, respectively. Tosha told us not too long after we moved into the apartment that she kept hearing "tinking" noises. To quote her: "At night it's like 'tink...tink...tink..tink..tink.tinktinktinktinktinktinktinktinktink!' " and every once in a while, Ashley just likes to say Bousch. So, every time I said tink (which i say a LOT) Ashley says bousch. We didn't want Tosha to be left out, so Tosha started saying 'post', then I say 'tink', and Ashley finishes 'er up with 'bousch'! lol

some pics

these above are just a few from when my hair was pink. i loved it, except for the stuff by my temples

And here is my tattoo...I didn't cry once, but I freaked out for about 5 minutes beforehand

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Alright. If my paycheck allows it, I'm going to get a tattoo within the week. It scares the shit outta me, but I am going to just suck up and do it. I'm not getting it on my boob (Cindy) or my arm (Denise). I am thinking of getting it on either my foot or my ankle. Somewhere it can show when I'm wearing normal clothes. (thats why I'm leaning towards the ankle.) My whole problem is, is that I have no idea where I want it. I want to be able to see it. That leaves out my butt (not like I was going to get it there ANYWAYS) and my back. I don't want to have to show anything that I wouldn't show someone normally. (like my boobs) I want to be able to cover it up possibly when I'm going nice places. So on my hand wouldn't work. Stomach is a no-no also. Self conscious about that one. I need major help lol. Denise, give me a call sometime after you get this. I'm at work until 5, but anytime after that is

I really need help on the FAFSA. Like:
AAAAH I hate this!
What is the student's parents' marital status as of today (question 55)?
Select Married/Remarried Single Divorced/Separated Widowed
Month and
year student's parents were married, separated, divorced, or widowed (question
56): (i put single)
If divorced, use date of divorce or separation, whichever
is earlier. Please enter this date in "mmyyyy" format. For example, 081996 for
August, 1996. (i put nothing because it doesnt apply if i put single)
2005, have the student's parents completed their IRS income tax return or
another tax return (question 70)? (i dont know if she is or not..)
What type of income tax return did the student file or will the student
file for 2005 (question 33)?
Select IRS 1040 IRS 1040A or 1040EZ Foreign tax
return A tax return for a U.S. Territory or a Freely Associated State
If the
student has filed or will file a 1040, was he/she eligible to file a 1040A or
1040EZ (question 34)? Select Yes if the student (and his/her spouse) filed or
will file a 1040 but were eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ. In general, the
student is eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ if:
Makes less than $100,000,
Does not itemize deductions,
Does not receive income from your own
business or farm,
Does not receive alimony, and
Is not required to file
Schedule D for capital gains. If the student filed a 1040 to claim Hope or
Lifetime Learning credits, and he/she would have otherwise been eligible for a
1040A or 1040EZ, you should answer "Yes" to this question. Select No if the
student (and his/her spouse) filed or will file a 1040 and were not eligible to
file a 1040A or 1040EZ. Select Don't Know if the student (and his/her spouse)
filed or will file a 1040 and do not know whether he/she is eligible to file a
1040A or 1040EZ
AAAAH I hate this!

Friday, February 10, 2006
To clear things up...
This really cracks me up...:
That picture I have as my icon on here:

No, it is not a llama...I honestly don't know what it is, or who thought it up. It's just a little animated picture I found that makes me giggle every time I see it. I wanted it to be my icon on here, so that I can see it often lol.
Just be happy I didn't use this one lol, (sorry mom)
"Netter said...
Are you still bored? Oh and WTF is that scary icon you
have by your profile? It's not a llama is it? "
That picture I have as my icon on here:

No, it is not a llama...I honestly don't know what it is, or who thought it up. It's just a little animated picture I found that makes me giggle every time I see it. I wanted it to be my icon on here, so that I can see it often lol.
Just be happy I didn't use this one lol, (sorry mom)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sunday, February 05, 2006
Talk about nerve-wracking. I wake up from a nap I took after working at the front desk. Then I decided it was time to put my schedules up on the wall. (I put them on the wall by my bed that way I don't lose them and they are easy to access) As I was highlighting my shifts, I see that on February 5th, 2006, I was supposed to work at the library from 5-8pm. I look at the clock, and what time do I see?? 5:55! I'm thinkin jeez I'm going to look like a moron, they are going to fire me. Then I calm down, and I go get the keys from the front desk so I can unlock the building. When I got here, I wrote down my time as 6-8 instead of 5-8, because I don't want to take credit for an hour I missed. It was my fault I didn't come in, because I hadn't checked the schedule. Although I think I'm going to go to bed right after I get home since I have to work at 6:55am tomorrow also. These Sundays really kill me.

I bought some makeup from Avon. But that wasn't the beginning. I bought some eyeliner from wal-mart a while ago, but i wouldn't put it on the bottom lid (as is the style with eyeliner right now) Tosha was proud enough of me putting it on to begin with. Well, guess what tosha? I'm wearing it on the bottom and top lid.and eyeshadow too. So yeah thats all i had to say about that.

The Doubtful Guest - You like to stir things up for
people don't you? You have quite a surreal would rather live in
fantasy than reality.
Which Edward Gorey Book Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You will swallow some tacks. You are a little
weird, maybe not so much in a good way. Buy a
yellow tie and wear it on your head.
For those of you interested in seeing all the letters, click here.

Mom, I sent you my W-2 forms, and I had a short letter written to you, nothing important, but when I sealed the envelope, the letter wasn't in it. So, call me when you get it, because there's something in there that's kinda weird.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
the bad....the good...
Alright. Since I got that out of the way. I will put those feelings into more detail, since I need to and it will help.
The Bad...
1. I do not believe I am responsible enough to be in college at this point in time
2. I do not have motivation to get my homework completed.
3. I want to go back to Kansas and get a simple job and lead a simple life.
4. College is too complicated for me and it frusturates me.
5. I know that it is my decision, but I am afraid of what people will say if I drop out of college.
6. I do not want to be tied down too much.
7. I enjoy the job I am working at, and my bosses are great, but I need more money.
8. I dyed my hair pink, and now I have an interview so I have to dye it back to black.
9. I want a steady, trustworthy guy in my life.
10. I just want to cry right now, but I'm at work.
The Good...
1. I have two roommates who are supportive and fun.
2. I have the freedom to do what I want, when I want (Part of my problems even tho I enjoy it)
3. I have money. Not much of it, but it's still money.
4. I have friends here. I didn't have many "friends" in high school, like ones who will talk to you outside of school. People see me around, and they stop to talk to me.
5. I know that I know how to cook now. And I like doing it. I love making spaghetti or chili or chicken and noodles because I can make it how I like it. I don't have to worry about anyone else, because if they don't like it, they don't have to eat it (although spaghetti is usually a whole apartment meal since we all like it with tons and tons of meat)
6. Free internet. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it is. And I know I don't have a computer, but think about it. What would I be doing if I had a computer? I'd be on it all the time.
7. My roommates are nice enough to take me anywhere I need to go if they are able to.
8. I talk to Denise every day (Usually twice a day) so I don't miss home as much as I should.
9. I have access to much more than I did in Kansas, because Des Moines is bigger than any towns around Axtell, and it doesn't take long to get to anyplace in Des Moines.
10. I am not involved in any petty fights with family. I can't get mad at people whom I don't talk to often, can I? I barely even fight with my roommates.
The Bad...
1. I do not believe I am responsible enough to be in college at this point in time
2. I do not have motivation to get my homework completed.
3. I want to go back to Kansas and get a simple job and lead a simple life.
4. College is too complicated for me and it frusturates me.
5. I know that it is my decision, but I am afraid of what people will say if I drop out of college.
6. I do not want to be tied down too much.
7. I enjoy the job I am working at, and my bosses are great, but I need more money.
8. I dyed my hair pink, and now I have an interview so I have to dye it back to black.
9. I want a steady, trustworthy guy in my life.
10. I just want to cry right now, but I'm at work.
The Good...
1. I have two roommates who are supportive and fun.
2. I have the freedom to do what I want, when I want (Part of my problems even tho I enjoy it)
3. I have money. Not much of it, but it's still money.
4. I have friends here. I didn't have many "friends" in high school, like ones who will talk to you outside of school. People see me around, and they stop to talk to me.
5. I know that I know how to cook now. And I like doing it. I love making spaghetti or chili or chicken and noodles because I can make it how I like it. I don't have to worry about anyone else, because if they don't like it, they don't have to eat it (although spaghetti is usually a whole apartment meal since we all like it with tons and tons of meat)
6. Free internet. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it is. And I know I don't have a computer, but think about it. What would I be doing if I had a computer? I'd be on it all the time.
7. My roommates are nice enough to take me anywhere I need to go if they are able to.
8. I talk to Denise every day (Usually twice a day) so I don't miss home as much as I should.
9. I have access to much more than I did in Kansas, because Des Moines is bigger than any towns around Axtell, and it doesn't take long to get to anyplace in Des Moines.
10. I am not involved in any petty fights with family. I can't get mad at people whom I don't talk to often, can I? I barely even fight with my roommates.