♥ I Like To Bite The Ears Off...

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wednesday night

Wednesday night I went to the IMA Christmas party. It was so fun, and the food at the resturaunt was great! But the best part of the whole night was that we all got to spend 2 hours in an Excursion Limo!!!! It was so freakin fun, we had music blaring, and we say the Jolly Holiday Christmas lights in Des Moines and the residential lights in Beaverdale. Click Here to see it. It was a little different than that picture, because the seats were on both sides, and it had a padded bar as a back rest instead of the seat backs. Also, the ceiling was diamonds with the outlines as neon lights that changed colors the whole time, and tiny starlike lights in the diamonds. It was awesome, something I will never forget.
glitter graphics


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