♥ I Like To Bite The Ears Off...

~*Just your average blog!*~

Saturday, November 12, 2005

I have a challenge for you...

As Denise knows well, until my next paycheck I have no money and almost no food. Here is the challenge:

What is something I can make with:
Ramen Noodles
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Uncooked Spaghetti Noodles

All ingredients do not have to be used, and I have butter, sugar, salt, a few eggs, but no milk.

This isn't a dire thing since I get paid on the 15th, but I was just curious if someone can actually make something out of those things. I mean something that is edible, and someone might want to make again. I have been trying all week to figure something out, just for something different than ramen every lunchtime. So, that's why I decided to enlist your culinary brilliance.

I know what Annette's thinking right now: "Is there a prize?" Well, I have no clue about a prize at the moment, but I figured I had time to think about it. This is mainly just something to see how many things you can do with a package of ramen and some potatoes....
glitter graphics


  • At 11:35 PM, Blogger Cindy said…

    Hey you stole my idea. What I do is cut potatoes into small chunks and cook them until done and then add the ramen noodles and make as instructed on the package.


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