♥ I Like To Bite The Ears Off...

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Happy Birthday Mike

Yeah, it's Mike's birthday today. I don't feel bad about him not knowing when my birthday is, because he doesn't remember anybodys, except for Orianna's, and he had to get it tattooed to his arm for him to remember that one. I can just remember birthdays well. I know most of the people in my graduating class's birthdays, and all my neices and nephews except Kurtis and Jesse. I think Kurtis' birthday is in October, and I know that Jesse's birthday is between the 1st and the 9th of December, only because Denise and I were talking about how since I have to share my birthday with christmas, it would kinda be the shits if I had to share it with Jesse too...and how it would be kinda cool at the same time, and how it would be nice if he was born on Billy's birthday, which is December 9th. (I think lol)
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  • At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes billys is on the 9 th and jesse's is the 2nd lol

  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger Cindy said…

    I think it runs in the Kaster side because I do not remember anyone's ages or birthdates.

  • At 9:23 PM, Blogger Netter said…

    FYI...I remember lots of birthays....I'm really good at it...though I have slipped a bit with age. I usually know the month and the date within a few days. Speaking of Birthdays, Cindy will be 38 in November....whooo hoooo! She even has the grey hair to go with that age. Ask me a persons birthday and I will get you in the right ballpark...go ahead...ask away.

  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger Cindy said…

    Thank you for reminding me about my age. I appreciate it. Gray hair is a sign of wisdom/

  • At 10:59 PM, Blogger Chelie said…

    you have had grey hair for at least two years...:P and whats my birthday Annette? lol

  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger Cindy said…

    Michelle don't tell everyone how long I have had gray hair. Besides I only have it when the dye grows out.

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Netter said…

    Cindy, its what's inside that counts...and your hair is gray inside, no matter what is on the outside. Oh, and Wisdom, my ass....in that case, our fathers would be fountains of wisdom and not fountains of b.s. Fact! Oh, and its my job as the younger cousin to point out at every available moment exactly how much older you are than me. Gray hair and all.

  • At 5:05 PM, Blogger Netter said…

    Michelle, I think you were born in December.....you share your birthday with Christmas. I pay attention once in a while. JEZ!

  • At 5:58 PM, Blogger Chelie said…

    lol i figured...29th in fact

  • At 8:22 PM, Blogger Netter said…

    That is our cousin Jeff's birthday...now I will always remember your birthday too.


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