Arrr! Your booty shivers me timbers!
Danielle: mom steped in catsh*t and said "FRICKEN COWSH*T"
Danielle: SURE
Michelle: LOL
Danielle: lol
Danielle: she is is out of her mind
Danielle: bbrb
Michelle: ok
Danielle: back mom had me pick up the "cowsh*t"
Michelle: nose caught a freakin baby bunny today
Danielle: awwwwwww is it dead?
Michelle: no
Michelle: it freaked out when she got it in the house
Michelle: i screamed because i thought it was a big rat
Danielle: lol did grandma freak?
Michelle: nah
Michelle: she was outside
Danielle: oic
Michelle: well, nose had it under this shelf
Danielle: that would have been bad
Michelle: i thought the cat was acting weird, so i bent aaaalll the way down to see what she was doing under my shelf
Danielle: her hpstage
Michelle: then this thing comes running at my face
Danielle: lol
Michelle: i laughed so hard about the hostage comment
Danielle: lol
Michelle: i can imagine nose with a butter knife holding the bunny.........gimme a can of cat food and nobody gets hurt
Danielle: lolololol
Michelle: yeah
Danielle: howda get it out
Michelle: it started bumping into things and running headfirst into other things, and when i turned around, nose had it in her mouth while i was yelling to my mom outside that she had a rabbit in the house
Michelle: so i chased her down, picked her up, and took her inside till the bunny was well out of sight
Danielle: lol was she mad?
Michelle: oh yeah
Danielle: lol
Michelle: she walked around the house meowing until i let her out
Danielle: lol
Danielle: was grandma?
Michelle: nah
Michelle: the funny thing is, nose got that damn rabbit past both me and my mom.....we didnt notice she had anything in her mouth because the rabbit was the same color as her
Danielle: lol
Danielle: a power line type thing came down today
Michelle: really
Danielle: yea
Danielle: i was afraid of bella being fried
Michelle: yeah
Michelle: did someone fix it?
Michelle: "tastes like chicken"
Danielle: yea they took it down
Danielle: what may i ask?
Michelle: fried bella
Michelle: i assume
Michelle: Ohhhhhh snap!
Danielle: oic
Michelle: i felt that was appropriate
Michelle: lol
Michelle: they say everything tastes like chicken
Danielle: lol
Danielle: even tuna jessica simpson
Danielle: Ohhhhhh snap!
Michelle: lol
Danielle: lol
Michelle: Seriously, were you even typing a language right there?
Michelle: Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine?
Michelle: Let's get outta here
Michelle: What happened? I've been making a sandwich for the past 10 minutes?
Michelle: i love that one
Danielle: lol
Michelle: Nana nana nana!
Danielle: Whatever
Michelle: I think we should stop. . . .my IM window just started screaming 'No More!, No More!'
Michelle: LOL
Danielle: lol
Danielle: Next!
Michelle: Buh-bye! Buh-bye now. Buh-Bye!
Michelle: Gotta go. Gotta go. I gotta pee!
Danielle: (laughing) Please stop. . .(more laughing) I'm dying over here
Michelle: Flippy: Growl!
Michelle: Disco: Roar
Danielle: I hope you know CPR, cuz you take my breath away . . .
Michelle: Nutty: Sugar High!
Michelle: LOL
Danielle: i looove that one
Michelle: You remind me of my ex-girlfriend. . . my DEAD ex-girlfriend!
Michelle: this ones great
Danielle: lol
Danielle:'re a girl, huh?
Michelle: Arrr! Your booty shivers me timbers
Michelle: LOL
Michelle: captain
Danielle: Dang baby! Would you like some fries with that shake?
Michelle: LOL
Danielle: flol
Michelle: mm fries...
Michelle: flol??
Danielle: flol?
Michelle: Danielle: flol
Michelle: mm fries...
Michelle: flol??
Danielle: flol?
Danielle: oh i didnt see that
Michelle: lol
Michelle: one! more! TIME!
Michelle: Arrr! Your booty shivers me timbers
Danielle: Hey sexy
Michelle: lol
Danielle: You got a little brown on your nose there sweetie
At 10:32 PM,
Cindy said…
By the way, I was half asleep when I made that comment. I worry about you guys talking to each other late at night
At 1:48 AM,
Chelie said…
hehe you should be
At 9:00 PM,
Netter said…
after that convo...I understand why Cindy would Cute.
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