♥ I Like To Bite The Ears Off...

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I has a house!

Ok, so I lied. I forgot about the library having internet. So here are a few updates since I last posted:

We moved into our new house yesterday! Woohoo! It is a nice, small house. It fits me, Jamie and the cat. Just barely though, (the cat's really fat. lol). This month is going to be the hardest because of all of the deposits for the utilities. We got our rent paid on the 30th of November, so that means that we only had to pay 785.00 instead of 820.00! If we pay on or before the first, that's our reward. I find it a worthy goal to pay before the first of the month, it will get us used to paying on time. Two of the utilities are in my name, and one of them is in Jamie's name. It's only fair, since ALL of the stuff was in Jamie's name last time. The internet/cable will be in my name as well. We got renter's insurance on our storage unit, it was only 11.06 a month, and it's from the guy I'm buying the car from. He also says that since my driving record is practically nonexistent, my car insurance should be cheaper as well.

I dyed my bangs purple, and the rest of my hair black. I really like it, we are going to reinforce it with more purple hair dye tonight.
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